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Title IX Reporting Process

Initial Stages

Two individuals discussing an issue
Meet with Title IX Coordinator

Reporting Party meets with Title IX Coordinator to report an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and/or stalking.

Support Measures

Title IX Coordinator offers supportive measures including on- and off-campus resources to the Reporting Party. Title IX Coordinator explains other options including reporting to law enforcement and initiating the College’s Grievance Process.

Choosing How to Proceed

Reporting Party chooses how they would like to proceed. Reporting Party can change their mind at any point in the future.

  • If choosing to initiate the grievance process, go to step 2.
  • If choosing to not initiate the grievance process, go to step 3.

Filing a Formal Complaint

Two individuals completing paperwork
Notice of Allegations

A Notice of Allegations is sent to both parties describing the nature of the allegations and parties’ rights during the Grievance Process.

Party Agreeance | Both Parties Agree

Both parties agree to participate in the Informal Resolution Process. This Process can have two results:

  1. Successful resolution and the matter is closed.
  2. If the Informal Resolution Process is not successful, or either party declines to participate in the Informal Resolution Process, an Investigation and Hearing Process begins.
Party Agreeance | One or Both Parties Decline

If one or both parties decline the Informal Resolution Process, an Investigation and Hearing Process Begins.

Not Filing a Formal Complaing

An individual comforting another indivdual
Choosing to Not File a Formal Complaint

Reporting Party chooses not to initiate the Grievance Process and continues to access supportive measures, resources, and accommodations. No further action is taken unless the Reporting Party changes their mind in the future or seeks additional supportive measures.

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